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Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

  "Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe." ~ Augustine "I doubt they'll get my order right." "I doubt it will be here on time." "I doubt my voice will even be heard" "I doubt they'll notice." "I'll believe it when I see it." ⁇   Look at all the ways we doubt during a typical day.   Doubt is such a powerful word.  According to the Oxford dictionary, that's when we are uncertain or don't have a lack of conviction.  Of course there's so many frivolous times it doesn't matter, but when it has to do with our faith, it's life-changing. ⁇  The devil loves to sow seeds of doubt and despair.  From the Garden of Eden, he loves us to question what God has promised to us, what God's intentions are, who God is.  Just as Jesus answered the devil in the wilderness, we can always look to God's word for truth and answers.   From the devil: Does God...
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Did You Notice?

  "The most basic of all human needs is to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them." ~ Ralph Nichols, Author, aka "Father of Listening" πŸ‘€  Remember Highlight  (yep, that old)  magazines ? One of the things I used to love to do in them is to examine two pictures that were essentially the same but contained a certain amount of differences between them to be identified.  These days, of course, you can play it online or in an app.  But you had to really pay attention to the detail and concentrate.  Here's an example: πŸ‘€ It's all in the details.  Think of that person who, every time you see them they remember something about your life, or something you said, and it was just so meaningful because it conveys that you are important enough to them to be thought of.   Our God notices each and every one of us.   "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the ...

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Stolen Identity?

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When the Planets Align...

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Let There Be Light

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