Google photo "Ready or not, here I come. ~Jesus" ~seen on a Colo. church sign 🗲 Hide & Seek - remember that game? My younger grandkids play it & giggle or say something not realizing they are giving their hiding place away. The excitement of being found gets the best of them. And then we grow up... The other day I was having people over and to my shock & dismay some of them showed up early! I have never had friends show up early - for half a century I've only known people that were late! I was mortified- I was still dusting the giant dust mites (I think they're bigger in the mountains) off my furniture. But that is one of the main reasons I entertain - it forces me to clean my house. I will also clean if my baby grandkids are coming. I no longer do it for health reasons for myself - no time. Cleaning out the refrigerator is another thing I put off - unless of course I'm going to Costco and I'...
encouraging small acts of love to make a difference in this world