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Showing posts from February, 2025

Did You Notice?

  "The most basic of all human needs is to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them." ~ Ralph Nichols, Author, aka "Father of Listening" 👀  Remember Highlight  (yep, that old)  magazines ? One of the things I used to love to do in them is to examine two pictures that were essentially the same but contained a certain amount of differences between them to be identified.  These days, of course, you can play it online or in an app.  But you had to really pay attention to the detail and concentrate.  Here's an example: 👀 It's all in the details.  Think of that person who, every time you see them they remember something about your life, or something you said, and it was just so meaningful because it conveys that you are important enough to them to be thought of.   Our God notices each and every one of us.   "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the ...

Where is the Love?

Google image "To love another person is to see the face of God." ~ Victor Hugo, Les Miserables  💗  In a week where love 💗 love 💘 love 💖 is all anyone is thinking and talking about, how come there is so much angst and sorrow surrounding us?  Why is there loneliness when we are able to be so connected?  Why do people consider themselves unlovable, or afraid to be vulnerable?  While I don't consider the Beatles any kind of authority on love, it is true that 'all we need is love' - but, what kind of love do we really need? 💗 The butterfly-inducing flutter of being romanced and made to feel special?  The satisfaction of having a special someone so we're not lonely?  The thrill of receiving cards & flowers to affirm we are thought about?  Yes, yes and yes - all those are so lovely and delightful.   💗Who doesn't want someone who has never ending, unfailing love for us, rejoicing over our very being, protecting us, lavishing over us, a...

Stolen Identity?

  God's Fingerprint "Religion: My identity is built on being a good person. Gospel: My identity is not built on my record or my performance, but on Christ's." ~ Tim Keller, pastor 🪪  It was just a matter of time.  Thrice (never in my life used this word but doesn't it sound intelligent and British) this month we have had someone steal our identity by using our credit cards fraudulently.  Twice was for airfare, so we suggested we meet them as they board their plane, but the credit card company didn't go for it.   I'm enraged, panicked and feel vulnerable.  How did they get it?  We didn't lose our cards, so is someone on the dark web going to cause more damage?  I guess w e just have to be more vigilant.   Do we also need to be more vigilant with our Christian identity?  No. Never. We don't ever have to worry that our identity in Christ will ever be stolen. Here's why... 🪪  We are new creations formed by God, who mak...