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Welcome to Scatter the Flowers


Autumn has come to the foothills of Denver, and the world's most beautiful hues -muted maize, burnt orange, deep brown, hazy eggplant-are peaking through the chilly morning & evening air.  Just looking at the changes in the colors and smells conjures up levels of coziness and comfort, waking up our senses with invigoration.  And yes, for me, even football 🏈 because I spent Sunday afternoons watching the Denver Broncos with my dad who is no longer here.

🌻 We all have triggers for the change of the seasons, and for me for over 21 years, back to school time seemed to methodically usher in a forced autumn- when  I went back to school my flowers stopped being watered, my windows were closed, it got darker earlier, and the freelance schedule of summer turned into the rigid crazy pace of the school year.  Even though it meant break was over, there is such warmth & familiarity with the season changes that it is something to look forward to.  I find myself doing a celebration dance when I hear the words "pumpkin spice latte". 🎃🎃🎃

🌻 It's funny how the small things in life can put such joy in your heart & soul and affect how you carry on through your day.  I started this blog because I feel compelled to highlight and share some of these small pieces of love that I've come across in my journeys as a Christian, mom, daughter, wife, sister, grandmother, and business owner, with the hope of "scattering flowers", as Sister Therese of Lisieux so beautifully surmised,
"Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love."
🌻 Who is Sister Therese of Lisieux? One of the most inspirational women I've ever read about.
I was introduced to her and several other simply amazing and purposeful women in the book my daughter gave me when I retired from teaching this year titled 50 Women Every Christian Should Know by Michelle DeRusha. Therese always knew she wanted to dedicate her life to God by becoming a nun and accomplish huge works for him but was turned away because of her young age. When finally she could enter the convent, she realized she wasn't going to do enormous deeds for him, but rather do small deeds for him with every ounce of her being. One way she demonstrated the commitment of her heart to this was by implementing it in the most trivial but lovingly points of view - another not so congenial nun in her sisterhood would distractedly rattle her beads during prayer & Therese decided she would look at the potentially annoying noise as a "rhythm" for her own prayers, thereby depleting it of the power it had to steal Therese's joy. Just by shifting our point of view on something negative, we can follow her lead, believing that God puts people and circumstances in our life that good can be gleamed from.

🌻 Doesn't it seem with the constant onslaught of negative, shocking and energy sucking
news each day we are in a mental battle to not have our joy robbed from us? As fellow travelers in this life-a young mom struggling to enjoy this season that can be overwhelming, or like me, a retiree who is searching for their next season, or any stage in between, I invite you to join me in seeing how we can feed our souls and others by scattering flowers throughout our normal everyday comings & goings, in our sphere of influence, by using our passions & strengths.

     🌻I am including parts of life that feed my soul- like food, inspirational people, books, decor that just seems to wrap a warm blanket around me, Scripture, humor and fun facts. I try to connect the links I found them on. At the end of each post I will offer a short suggestion of a prayer based on Scripture designated by this symbol so if you feel led to join me please do.

     🌻Maybe we can't change the whole world with a huge solitary act but imagine what happens when a bunch of small prayers go up each day to an Almighty God out of love. Let the scattering begin...🌻🌻🌻

Lord, thank You for giving us seasons in our lives (Eccles 3:1-8), though some are hard, You cause all things to work together for the good of those who love You (Romans 8:28). Weed out the constant hurry we seem to battle and make us purposeful. Give us the daily bread we will need to accomplish this for You. Amen.


  1. Read this today & it gave me such refreshment & encouragement as I can get pretty bogged down with the weight of things in our country & our world!! Thank you for this beautiful way to scatter flowers & new insight!! Love your writing!!!


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