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Down Came the Rain & Washed the Spider Out


"Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." 
~Martin Luther

🌷 Spring comes just in time, doesn't it?  Even the promise of spring gives us hope.   We can endure one more snow because we anticipate the green it will leave after it melts - though in Denver we know that can be up to June.  But then, as Coloradans, we just ski longer (not me, of course-I hear about others).  And then I've heard some do spring cleaning...

Tax preparers are holding on for dear life til mid April, then vacation.  Students think school is over after spring break & therefore no homework should be done. Ask any teacher and the promise of spring break/April/May has an entirely different meaning.  It's survival of the fittest, only the strong survive, buckle down, hang on, never say die, 2 lattes a day with no regrets.  

🌷 As Christians, the hope we just celebrated at Easter is a recent reminder of just exactly what our hope is in.  And it's such a breath of fresh air that reinvigorates our soul just the way the change in weather is received. 

** new starts **
** fresh beginnings **
** old "stuff" gone **

It's like our Heavenly Father knew that our soul would need to be turned over.  He brings us new mercies every morning, like fresh rain, but if you are like me, I don't always receive them, and I let myself get washed out, like that itsy bitsy spider.  The old gunk from the past, much like the dead branches & leaves I failed to trim off last summer's plants, need to be removed so I can allow some new growth.  Welcome that rain.

🌷 Do you ever get caught in the "rut" of stagnancy?  Stuck in comfort, normalcy, safe zone - thinking because I'm not going backwards then I must be going forward?  I'm going to tell you that I've determined for me - that is settling - and I don't want to 'settle'.   

As someone who has had their own Texit (exit from teaching), I am looking at my daily calendar in a different light.  I think my most favorite thing is that I am able to take more time to get into God's word.  My longtime 'rut' was that I let my job be all-consuming; now I have realized how out of balance it was at times.  Busyness defined me for years.  

🌷 As a mom or caregiver, we don't often have choices about all our time.  But with intentionality we can section off some part each day to spend alone with God.  It's a must.  When the mundane gets into our head it is a direct result of not spending time in the Word; there is nothing more exciting than asking God to show you Him & waiting for the results!  

He wants us to use our time wisely & He rewards us for it!🌷

    Joshua 1:8  "Study this Book of Instruction continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you will  be sure to obey everything written in it.  Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you     do."   

    Matthew 11:28  "Then Jesus said, 'Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest.' " 

    Ephesians 5:15  "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."

    Psalm 119:107  "Revive me, O Lord, according to the Word."

    Jeremiah 31:25  "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." 

🌷  I hope your soul can be refreshed today by spending some time in the Word.  🌷

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Sometimes I get in a rut with cooking & a new recipe is refreshing.  
Try some of these!

           RECIPES TO REFRESH~(thank you Pinterest)

           Sheet Pan Fajitas           


✙ Lord, You so wisely gave us seasons - in our world & in our lives.  Thank You for springtime - the splashes of color & new life; it shows us You are our Father who gives us fresh new beginnings with You each day.  Remind us to give others new fresh starts as well.  Help us to see some of our "rains" as a way to wash away the old stuff & wake our souls up.  Revive us with Your Word through Your Spirit.  Amen.


  1. So encouraging! Spring is one of my favorite seasons, and as you put it so beautifully, it’s a time of renewal, As I begin to plant my pansies, and begin sorting my seeds I’m reminded that to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow and all the promises that it holds!

    1. I know! It's a miracle to see the dead foliage brought to life each year! And I so love pansies. Thanks for reading, Gretchen:)


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