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"A ship is always safe at shore but that is not what it's built for" ~ Albert Einstein
🚢 Last blog I discussed how refreshing a new start can be, the kind the Lord gives us each day, kind of synonymous with back to school time each year. Sometimes, regardless of how long we have been following Jesus as our Savior, we need restarts. So I am picking up where I left off, as if we were new students.
Return to the beginning, to where we first started; for some who haven't been following Jesus long, it will be easier. For some who've followed Him longer, it may be more challenging - pride may get in the way.
I'm talking about holy pride - thinking we should 'know better' or we had justifiable motives for doing what we've done or not done. Lay all of that at the feet of Jesus and tell Him to take it. I myself had dealt with that - I think it's my personality type (whether it be my Enneagram type or just plain control freak) that says I don't like to admit I am wrong, or allow someone else control.
It's our comfort zone-whatever that is that makes us retreat back to our own self reliance- and it's sin.
🚢 Thinking that I myself can't grow closer to Jesus because I have heard it before or been there before. In the old days that's what I think they call a 'Pharisee'. Please, Lord, take that attitude from me - don't let the evil one slink in and subtly tell me I have been a Christian way too long & I know better. Or that I have done that before so I don't need to seek God again on that one.
Return to the beginning of learning - go back to the syllabus (the order of learning each class gives out at the beginning). Remember when you first realized that Jesus would have died for your sins even if you were the only one?
🚢 Remember the first time you can identify when He wrapped His loving arms around you and made you feel safe, cared for and cherished? Or the time you saw no way out and suddenly there was a way? You were in a personal storm & He calmed the waves.
You sought Him; He sought you. You cried & didn't have words to even know what to pray but He heard you anyway?
Don't let that process fade. It is an ongoing lifeline to our Heavenly Father that He desires we use. Repeatedly.
🠊 Confess your sins - 1 John 1:9 says "But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." It's a circular process until we die and are made perfect with Him in heaven.
There's no roundabout exits where we have finished sinning and don't have to bring it before Him. It is a spiritual discipline that we must exercise on a regular basis. I have to remind myself of that repeatedly.
🠊 Submit to Him - Romans 12:2 "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." You have agreed with Him that you have gone away from His ways and would like Him to transform your thinking to be back in alignment with Him.
🠊 Ask to be controlled by the Holy Spirit - Galatians 5:18 "So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves."
🠊 With gratitude, live with the confidence that He hears your prayers - 1 John 5:14-15 "And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for."
🚢 We were made for constant fellowship with God, to be His disciples (notice the root word of disciple is the same as discipline). He created us for that and is always there, waiting. Sometimes we have to ask Him for discipline to respond to Him with our time, attention and hearts. It begins somewhere - even with 10 minutes a day reading your bible. If you've gotten away from this quiet time with the Lord start again with this 10 min slot.
If you don't know where to start, start by reading about Jesus' life on earth - any of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, and the Psalms & Proverbs. You can download the bible on your phone with the YouVersion where it's really easy to change up versions until you find one that you are comfortable with. I like to read it in a few different versions to help me understand the intent. It also has so many daily bible reading plans to try.
I definitely recommend a physical Bible - I like the study bibles, and I highlight and make notes in mine.
🚢 Just start. Any discipline is established (or reestablished) with the same steps. You will find (or rediscover) that there is nothing boring about time with God; He is exciting, unpredictable, and anything but comfortable!
He loves you beyond any comprehension, and just like we welcome our own children into our arms again & again, He extends His out to you and rejoices that you have come back to Him, each and every time. It's basic level 101 but sometimes so hard to do because we let life's little idols of self control and self worship replace it.
✙ Oh Father, our hearts were created & designed by You, and only You can fill them with Your perfect love. Make us Your disciples that don't let anything keep us from coming to You. Help us to always point others to You by our actions as an act of worship. Amen.
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