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Sticks and Stones...


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"Until we care more about what God thinks than what other people think we are truly never free."~Christine Caine

The Constitution guarantees us freedom- of religion, press, peaceable assembly, etc. - all things on this earth.  But in spite of dedicating their lives to public service to protect these freedoms, even the early U.S. Presidents weren't immune from criticism & nicknames:

    George Washington - "Fake Patriot" - called this by a newspaper after he signed an unpopular treaty with Britain.  He was vital in the creation of our Constitution.
    John Quincy Adams - "Mad Old Man"- but went on to fight slavery repeatedly while in office.

    James Madison - "His Little Majesty" - because he was 5'4" and 100 pounds (something he had literally no control over).  Wrote the 'Federalist Papers' and helped ratify the Constitution, referred to as the "Father of the Constitution".

    William Henry Harrison"General Mum" - because he avoided addressing controversial issues during his campaign.  He was an accomplished military general & helped bring about the Treaty of Ghent to help end slave trade & the war of 1812.

    Rutherford B. Hayes - "His Fraudulency" - won his election by one electoral
vote.  He brought integrity to the office after the scandalous previous presidency of Ulysses S. Grant, & signed an act allowing female attorneys to practice before the Supreme Court.

Men, dedicating their lives to God-given liberties for their country, and were ridiculed for different things throughout their careers.  

Criticism. Ridicule. Mockery. Judgment. Raise your hand if you haven't faced any form of these.  Waiting... 

Of course, ours isn't usually on a national stage, in the press or online.  Ours can be within our spheres of life - from family, friends, acquaintances or co-workers.  But doesn't it still hurt?  

It especially hurts when we are trying to do the right thing, or build a relationship with a particular person.  Our intentions are right but it is perceived as wrong.  Sometimes we are the ones being called "judgmental".  

Jesus knows what that feels like- 

Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers, Edouard Manet 1865
  •     He was betrayed by a 'friend' (Mark 14:44, Luke 22:4) 
  •     denied being known by a close follower (Mark 14:66-71, Luke 22:3-6), 
  •     spit on (Mark 14:65), 
  •     mocked & beaten (Luke 22:63-65, Mark 15:17-20, John 19:1-5), 
  •     whipped for no crime (Mark 15:15), 
  •     crucified on a cross (Matt 27:32-56, Mark 15: 21-25, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:16-18).  

Isaiah 53:3-3 says "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we esteemed Him not." 

When we feel rejection go to God's Word.  When we see others being rejected, comfort them with God's Word.  Reach out to them and remind them they are not alone, that God's love for them will never fail, that He can bring good out of this rejection experience.  God is our safe place.

Jesus told us, "If the world hates you, remember that it hated Me first." John 15:18

Freedom from the clutches of this world, into the freedom that Jesus offers our souls:  

"Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you.  Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matt 11:28-29

Yes, this world has sticks and stones.  Sometimes we are even the ones who throw them.  All of it is an opportunity to lay things at the feet of Our Savior whose approval is the only one we need.

Happy President's Day. 

"Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God.  If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant." Gal 1:10

✙ Heavenly Father, You know our every thought, feeling, action - You tell us You see us not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but You look on the heart. Give us the courage it takes to not seek the approval of this world, but only Yours.  Nudge us to love on others that feel rejected so they can know Your precious Love for them. Amen.


  1. Consistently relevant for the times, encouraging & inspiring!


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