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Are You Being Fooled?


"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~Jim Elliott, martyred missionary

🃏 Imagine getting off a plane in Los Angeles on April 1st and being greeted by signs saying "Welcome to Chicago" . Or hearing from the BBC that Big Ben was going digital.  A radio DJ announced that the Titanic had resurfaced off the coast of Sussex, causing crowds of people to flock to the site.  Or panic in Seattle caused by people hearing the Space Needle had fallen down.

🃏 Krispy Kreme announced it was going to build a theme park, but later said it was just a dream.

So. Not. Funny.

🃏 What do all these have in common?  They are April Fool's pranks.  Most of these pranks are harmless, while some have caused inconveniences or even in some cases extreme reactions.  No one wants to be thought of as a fool.  I'm sure we would have never fallen for any of those.  

This world calls a lot of things foolish through the "bravery" of social media - which allows people to hide behind their statements.  It's like God knew we'd be battling the black hole of approval from social media when He warned us in His word-

"Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions." Prov 18:2

🃏 We find bravery in groups - joining others because it's the easy thing to do.  Going against the trendy waves of culture is difficult to do, whether you are a student, parent, entertainer, journalist or any other occupation.

As Christ followers, how do we recognize foolishness & how do we avoid it?

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fool's despise wisdom and instruction." Prov 1:7

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.  As the Scriptures say, 'He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness'.  And again, 'The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise; he knows they are worthless.'" 1 Cor 3:19-20

🃏 This year April Fool's Day just happens to fall on Easter Monday, the day after Christ defeated death and rose from the grave.  It kind of highlights the spiritual battle that is happening around us: the world calls us fools for believing that God sent His one and only Son who never sinned, to die for our sin, and give us eternal life by believing in Him.  And then to live our life like we believe that.  Satan does not want that.

But we are warned this would happen-

"The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction!  But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God."  1 Cor 1:18 

When we are called fools for placing our trust in Jesus for eternal salvation, recognize it for what it is - spiritual warfare from the prince of this world - Satan- who delights in clouding other people's thoughts so they can't see clearly the work that was done on the cross by Jesus.
We want them to know Jesus, to love Jesus and to follow Jesus.  We celebrate Easter because it means that Jesus completely crushed Satan and death and eternal separation from God!  Don't give Satan the satisfaction of thinking you've been fooled into putting your trust in anything but Jesus-

"Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool; but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered." Prov 28:26

Be a fool-for Christ.  Tell someone you follow Christ, and encourage them to follow.  There is power and strength in groups of believers who live for the Lord.  

It's the wisest thing you could do.

✙ Heavenly Father, we know every time we reject You we are fools.  Forgive us for that.  Make us lights to others so they can escape the foolishness of this temporary world and trade it for eternal life with the One who created us, loves us, and wants the best for us.  Help us to find someone to love more today.  Amen.


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