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No. Not Today, Satan


The Screwtape Letters cover, C.S. Lewis
"Tortured fear and stupid confidence are both desirable states of mind." ~Wormwood, the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

⛨ Fear.  Did you know today we fear the same things as the people in the New Testament did?  The #1 fear in America in 2023 is corrupt government officials, according to a study from Chapman University, .  

In the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (one of my favorite books), he uses Wormwood, an assistant to the devil, to convey effective methods his boss likes to utilize on humans to keep them from God.  He doesn't just use fear, but "tortured fear". 

David fled for years from King Saul, who was trying to kill him for no reason.  Peter denied knowing His Savior three times and John Mark fled naked in the garden when they arrested Jesus - both of them out of fear of the corrupt Jewish authorities.  

⛨  Living under fear the Romans would kill Christians was real.  Living under fear that relationships will or won't work is conjuring up possibilities of a future non-life-threatening event that might happen.  

Fear, whether it's for legit reasons or not, can cripple us or cause us to have some pretty crazy reactions. So much that it can keep us from living our life fully.  The devil loves to use it to keep us under his thumb.  It is not from God.  

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."  2 Tim 1:7

⛨ What are we afraid of?  Where does it happen?  One of the most common places fear grips us is in our marriages & relationships.  When you are newly married or in a relationship, fears can look like "what if they don't like me as they get to know me?" or "Did I make the right choice?" as you have your first fights.  

Then as time goes on and the pressures of life emerge, fears turn into "Am I being the right parent/spouse/employee?" or "Will we have enough money?"  or "Is our marriage going to make it?"  Too often, it's "Is he/she making me happy?"

⛨ With fear, they say our instinct is fight or flight.  Sadly, worldly advice and well-meaning 'friends' tell us our happiness is paramount and all that matters, so choose flight.  Me, myself and I are the most important things.  Everyone, even Christians, are leaving their marriages so why shouldn't I?

It is the easy way out.  When we are afraid of bumpy roads, fleeing is sometimes easier. (Of course, threats to safety are not what we are talking about here.)  

 As Wormwood said, fear is a desirable state of mind for the devil to do his work.  

⛨ But let's look at what those OT people did:  David endured and sought the Lord during all that time, which allowed his reign as king later and the lineage of Christ to be fulfilled.  Peter and Mark used their fears and turned them over to God, sharing the Gospel across different regions and people groups so that you and I would be able to read God's Word today.   
⛨ They stayed and fought.

You've heard 'there's purpose in our pain'.  It's true.  God uses EVERYTHING to cause us to grow closer to Him, if we view it that way.  

As my husband and I celebrate 38 years of marriage soon, I think about my closest friends who have been together that long as well.  We can choose to remember the challenging times (and we all have had them), or we can reflect on how God used each of them to pull us closer to Him, help us endure the bumps, and bring us out on the other side.  

Be the one who fights or encourages your friends to fight.  Remember, no one who is a believer is fighting alone - God has given us armor to do it - 

"Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil.  Then after the battle you will still be standing firm." Eph 6:13 

"In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil." Eph 6:16
Recognize it for what it is - spiritual warfare, attacks.  Just say "No.  Not today Satan."

✙ Dear Lord, You are such a Good, Good Father - You have anticipated how much help we would need to navigate this broken world.  You equip us, as a good parent, and are always there for us to come back to.  Even our failures don't keep You from receiving us back with open arms.  Make us strong in our relationships- help us resist the devil when he wants to attack us in them.  Give us courage to fight for our marriages and help bring it under Your reign.  Bring forgiveness into our relationships, as You model that for us and use our strife for Your good.  We know we can't do that on our own, please enable us.  We need Your molding so badly Lord.  Thank You that You desire only good for us. Amen.


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