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Here's to the Warrioress!


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"A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love, and encourages you with hope." ~unknown

🙏 Ever wake up & think, "I wonder what today holds?"  I feel like this past week it was the circle of life.

First, a beautiful wedding of my lifelong friend's daughter.  So fun to hang out with all my friends from childhood (yes- that's how long we've stayed friends!).  

🙏Then, a few days later, a funeral of a neighbor friend.  A warm, intimate celebration of life where beautiful butterflies were released at the end, symbolizing her soul's journey to heaven.

Then, without warning, my granddaughter, miss Lainey James, who was NOT supposed to be born til Aug 8 decided to come 6 weeks early.  My incredibly courageous daughter-in-law drove herself to the hospital, basically saving her and her baby's life.  

You think you have plans for the day, the next few weeks, months-but then things get turned upside down, and not only have you lost control of your schedule, but your life.  

On so many levels, when we are faced with uncertainty, fear, lack of control, and are overwhelmed, it's the perfect time to let anxiety creep in & try to take over.  Just being inside a hospital as a visitor makes me weak at the knees.  I'm such a pansy I have no idea how I ever had children.

🙏But I digress.  Things amped up pretty quickly and the first thing I did was ask my 'girls' to pray.  I knew every one of them was on it.  Then, as things seemed worse, I texted them to continue to pray, because I couldn't quit crying.  I knew they were on it. 

I believe in the power of prayer.  I believe in friends.  And I believe in friends who are prayer warrioresses (?) .  The kind who drop everything to lay burdens at the feet of our Lord when we can't do anything.  There is no other way to describe the transfer of the weight of weariness to our Lord.  

🙏He answers prayers.  He hears each of us and wraps His loving arms around us to stop us from spinning in our downward spirals of doubt and worry.  And He does it through His Word, through friends, through the quieting of our soul when we ask Him for help through tears.

He certainly answered our prayers this week.  And we will continually keep lifting them up, as there's a few challenging weeks ahead. 

When He says, 
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" (Phil 4:6-7) 

it is for our good, because sometimes we can't handle the stress life gives.  

When He says, 
"Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matt 6:34

it's for His glory, because when we aren't able to do anything in this crazy world, He is able to do everything.  

When He says, 
"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved." Ps 55:22
there is no way we can take credit for it.

🙏God gives us peace so our hearts won't be troubled or afraid.   But we have to come to Him on our own behalf, and on behalf of our friends and neighbors.  Share the joy with them by releasing the burdens to the Lord.  God is right alongside us in every event of life.

🙏It is like medicine to your soul.  

✙ Dear Lord, sometimes this life is overwhelming and we need help.  To be able to unload our burdens on You, knowing that You love us beyond measure, and that You turn all things to good, is a peace we can't describe.  Thank You for walking through every step of our lives with us, and ordering them for our best.  You are amazing and incredible!  Help us to share each part of life with You and to let others know how they can do the same.  Amen.


  1. Amen dearest friend❤️ we will continue to pray for your dear Laney and all of your family.

  2. You were a warrioress Grandma! Continued prayers for sweet Lainey James and for her sweet and brave parents!💕


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