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He's Got the WHOLE World in His Hands


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"If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'." ~Elisabeth Elliot

    🌍 Did you know?
 🠊 it has snowed more than once in the Sahara Desert 
 🠊 astronauts actually get taller when in space
 🠊 a snail can sleep for 3 years
 🠊 giraffes hum to communicate with each other
🠊 a polar bear can swim constantly for days at a time
 🠊 scientists predict the human nose can recognize a trillion different scents
 🠊 and finally, the average person has about 67 different species of bacteria in their belly button

The last fact I thought you would especially enjoy 😄


🌍 In light of the events of the last few weeks, I had this conversation with God tonight:

Me: "God, what could possibly happen next? How do I think? What do I do? You see what's happening, right?"

God: "Please read Job 38 & 39."

🌍 We serve a majestic God, who hears, delivers, and is near to us.  He doesn't sleep, and He isn't surprised by anything.  Even before He made the world He chose us. 

He has foretold all the endtimes in His Word, and He will defeat evil once and for all and 'His called and chosen and faithful ones will be with Him.' (Rev 17:14)

The Triumph of Christ, (The Mazarin Tapestry)~1500, National Gallery of Art

🌍 So whether the global news is trying to shake us, or personal circumstances (like finances, health, security) gnaw at our well-being, bring it all to Him, lay it at His feet, and let Him wrap His loving arms around us.  

Let's be the neighbor/friend/family that joins with others in prayer; the smiling face that greets strangers; the helping hand that reaches out to others, the listening ear that comforts.  Let's live our faith in God and His Word out loud, sharing it with others as we live it.

Still our heart and soul by immersing ourselves in the truth of His Word.

"Be still and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation.  I will be honored throughout the world." Ps 46:10

🌍  In our lives and in our world, in the big and in the small- our God reigns.

✙ Dear Heavenly Father, life on this earth can be outright scary at times, unpredictable and seemingly out of control.  Our nature is to respond out of fear, but Your Spirit longs to calm us, hold us, and encourage us.  Help us to be reminded of the refuge and fortress we have in You.  Use us to love on our families, our neighbors, and strangers.  Lead us to be still and know You are God.  This world is not our home-You are- and we anxiously await Your coming.  Amen. 


  1. Beautifully put! I needed a reminder to hold fast to God when things get scary and uncertain. Amen!

  2. Perfect way to start my day with the right perspective. Love the prayer- the belly button info, not so much. Thank you❤️


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