"My security as a Christian does not reside in the strength of my faith but in the indestructibility of my Savior." ~Sinclair B. Ferguson, Scottish theologian
🔒Passwords. Raise your hand if you have a love/hate relationship with them. They protect us and exasperate us at the same time. Here are some of the most common passwords shown in a Google search:
🔒 If you use any of these you should probably change them. Because if I could figure these out with my miniscule Google technology knowledge then absolutely anyone can.
Speaking of limited tech know-how, my wifi has been out for the last 5 days. If one ever feels like they have even an ounce of intelligence, just call tech support anywhere to be completely humbled and feel like you should return to 3rd grade.
🔒Do you feel like if you're not a techie you are on the outside looking in? Don't you dream of feeling that strong sense of superiority just because you know the difference between a bandwidth and GHz. Haha, I even had to Google those terms because I didn't know any wifi language 🤣
🔒It does give you a sense of insecurity and isolation when your phone or wifi goes down & cuts you off from the rest of the world. Then comes the global doomsday thinking-"Oh no! The sky is falling!"
Next come all the crazy things happening in the world, your city and your neighborhood that can set you on edge. Talking with others can ignite fear. The little events poke us, turning into prods of doubt and panic.
"You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly. You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes up on the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your fear from being caught in a trap." Prov 3:24-26
He is our place of safety:
"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety." Psalm 18:2
He doesn't sleep because He is watching over us:
"He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord Himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:3-8
God is our protector because He says He is. Others need to know this security. And we don't even have to know the model of our first car or our paternal grandmother's maiden name.
Dear Lord, we hand over all of our fears and insecurities to You - we know You never sleep because You are constantly watching over us. We can sleep soundly because of who You are - a Promise Keeper. Help us to assure others of Your eternal Love for us. Amen.
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