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Irreplaceable? I Think So!


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"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."  ~ Ronald Reagan

🔥 Funny how things change in a moment's notice.  I sit here this morning on my back deck smelling smoke from the out of control wildfire just miles from us, wondering if it's the last time for a while I will be able to enjoy this deck time.  We have our cars packed and are ready to go if we are pre-evacuated.  

photo taken from my window of wildfire

When this fire started the day before yesterday, it was the third one around Denver.  Since then two more have come up; one has been put out.  

🔥 So how do we prepare for something like this? We have been preparing physically for the last year because our mountain has been in high fire danger.  But mentally, as I walk around my house looking at "stuff", it brings clarity - we just got our dog out first.   

It's a good glimpse into the future.  The "stuff" is nice and all, but it really doesn't matter.  It can all be replaced and we can't take it after we die.  No moving truck is gonna back up to the pearly gates.

🔥What matters is people.  We have checked with our neighbors to make sure they all have a plan.  Our neighbors are good people - are they all Christians? No.  Do we all align politically? No. But they are absolutely wonderful, valuable human beings who care about us too.  

🔥In times like this, we could just make sure we are all safe and taken care of,  (and we have done that the best we can), but what an opportunity to reach out to others, and to watch God work.  

As this world yields to more brokenness, we will be presented with opportunities to share the Kingdom.  God told us through the apostle Paul-

"So, let's not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.  Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone - especially to those in the family of faith." Gal 6:9-10

Are people valuable to God?

"But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Rom 5:8

🔥 Things can be replaced- even homes. But people can't. There's always something we can do to show people they are worthy.  

✙ Heavenly Father, we trust our lives to You - for You are trustworthy, omnipotent, eternal, our Provider, our Rock.  Help our actions show others this belief we have in You.  Heal our broken world as only You can.  Amen.


  1. In a moment where it feels like too much is going on around me and I feel frustrated by the people I am having to deal with, this is such a wonderful reminder that God values everyone and I need to persevere to do what is good for those around me, not what is best for me.


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