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The Business of Busyness

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"I have so much to do that I shall spend the first 
three hours in prayer." ~ Martin Luther

 Do you remember that busy signal you would get trying to call someone's landline and they were on the phone?  They were busy talking to someone else and couldn't get your call.

 Busyness.  In the 70s it was a landline busy signal.  It defined the role of a successful woman back in the 80s, evidenced by a full planner.  In the 90s a car phone showed we had to be able to be reached at any time.  The 2000s brought us blackberries to signal we had to electronically manage our lives, and now- well is there a person on the planet that doesn't have a cell phone?

Yet as 'connected' as we are, studies show direct links to loneliness and cell phone addiction, especially among adolescents.  

 But let's be honest, sometimes we just want to scroll and be left alone.  And then suddenly it's an hour or so later.

At first glance, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with that.  But in business (sometimes busyness) school one of the only things I remember (sad) is the term "opportunity cost" - the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.  

 In other words, when we choose to be on our phone, what are we not choosing?  What did we used to do during that time?  For some it was maybe TV, for others reading or conversing.  

Understandably, the phone can be a really useful tool.  We can look up any version of the Bible within seconds, listen to a podcast or sermon, text someone to let them know we are thinking of them.  As a drastic measure we might even use it to call someone.

 But every time we are on it we have to make choices about how we're going to use it.  I'm not always so good about that - the temptation to mindlessly scroll gets the best of me.  

And then I think - "Am I a better person for having spent my time that way?"  I mean, sure Pinterest makes us all more creative, better cooks, and excellent decorators.  I seriously don't know how people lived without it.  (And yet, there are plenty of amazing people living without it.) 

 But social media outlets can wreak havoc on our minds and self-images.  If I'm completely transparent, I will admit that Pinterest can also do that because we all fall short on that DIY thing, don't we?

What's something we can invest our scrolling time in that actually builds us up 100% of the time?  What speaks life into us regardless of where we are, what our circumstances are or our frame of mind?

God's Word speaks to us.  Here's just a few online tools (I'm sure you're using some of these already):

"Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." Eph 5:15-17

 We don't necessarily harm ourselves by taking some online downtime, but how do we know what growth we are missing by doing that?    

Not judging intentions here; but boundaries are always healthy.  Is my friend/neighbor/coworker going to benefit by my well-set table and awesome recipe?  Maybe - if I am wanting to make them feel special.  The Lord knows our hearts.  

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and of discerning of thoughts and intentions of the heart." Heb 4:12

Prayer, John Phillip 1859

If you're reading this blog it's because you chose to be online. So thank you; I hope you are encouraged by it and it speaks life into you today. You are so worth it, and have spoken life into me several times.  Obviously, I am writing this blog so I chose to use online.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and 
good deeds." Heb 10:24

 We don't want to send out a busy signal to others.  We definitely don't want to send one to God.  

✙ Dear Lord, Thank You for never being too busy for us- You promise when we call on You and pray to You that You will listen.  We know that You will hear us. You wait to be gracious to us.  You want us to know You through Jesus.  Help us to make the most of our day today and reveal Yourself to us.  Amen.  


  1. Such a great reminder!
    I Read somewhere that after your feet hit the floor on the morning,open your Bible and seek God first, before you look at your phone, even talk to your spouse .


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