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This is Not What I Ordered


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"Slightly lower than the angels is a whole lot better than slightly higher than the apes.  Let's get the order straight. God, angelic beings, man, animals, and vegetables." ~ D. Stuart Briscoe, author and pastor

😖Ever been behind someone who doesn't know what they want to order from Taco Bell?  Taco Bell?!? It's been around since the Dark Ages and everyone orders the same thing - I haven't changed my order since 1981.  

😲On the other hand, a Starbucks barista said one of her daily orders from a lady is for a venti white mocha, quad shot, two shots on bottom, two shots on top, almond milk, extra hot, caramel drizzle on the inside of the cup and extra whip.  Hmmm.  

Another website shows the most bizarre orders restaurant servers  have received - one said a mother ordered a hamburger and fries to be pureed and served to her child in a glass because he could only eat pureed food.  Yum. 

😕Or the order for the eggless omelette. What?  

🤮 This one is more believable but still gross - the pregnant woman who ordered a peanut butter and pickle Blizzard.  The employee knew not to argue with a pregnant woman so she got her shake. 

😉People seem to know what they want.  And it definitely branches out to all parts of our life.  How many times do we tell God exactly what we need or want, and we are thoroughly convinced that we are correct.  

😟The other extreme is when our life seems so out of order and chaotic that we just plea with God in our prayers to please put it back on track, because we have no idea what we want.  

😌Here's our peace - God is a God of order.  

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace..." 1 Cor 14:33

He ordered the way He created the world, different parts on their own day.  Our sun, moon and planets align perfectly for us to have enough heat to live but not to burn, gravity and life.  Our heart and brain work in conjunction in our bodies to sustain our lives.  Our senses work together for us to experience life to the fullest.  The ecosystem and food chain ensure all things can live in a simultaneous environment. The baby in the womb develops miraculously, protected by the mother's body.  

In fact, He knew from the garden of Eden that a payment for the sin committed there would be needed, and His perfect, flawless Son would be that remedy.  

😧Why would we think our God would not be able to order our lives? Because we often don't understand, so we doubt.

"The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" Prov 20:24

😨So we throw ourselves into despair and say God must not care, or try to rescue ourselves by making our own plans, and when they go differently we lose faith.

"We make our plans, but the Lord determines the steps." Prov 16:9
😍We love the Lord, we know He loves us and we want what He wants for us. 

"Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives." Gal 5:25

  😇Our order should always be "Your will be done, Lord."

✙ Heavenly Father, You astonish us with Your creativity, genius, reason, and order of everything, especially our lives.  We are so grateful that we are not in control of the order, because we can rest in the knowledge that You hold us in the palm of Your hand as we walk this life.  The same hand that called the world into being.  You are our God who amazes us constantly.  May we be a tool today to help others see You.  Amen.


  1. Boy, can I relate to this! So much of my life has been "not what I ordered"... But the knowledge that God is determining my steps gives me comfort and peace. God's timing is perfect and His ways are best. Thanks for a good reminder!! Happy Thanksgiving!


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