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The Present of Being Present


                                                                      Christ in the House of Martha and Mary ~ Johannes Vermeer

"Lord I want to be like Mary today, but can you send Martha over to clean my house?" ~ Pinterest

🎁 How do we do it?  How do we balance the necessity of making sure the presents are bought & wrapped, the decorations are up, the food is bought & prepared, and everyone's having the most memorable time ever with remembering why Christmas is celebrated?  
🎁 It seems like Martha was having the same frustrations two thousand years ago:

                        "As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home.  Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught.  But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing.  She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work?  Tell her to come and help me."

🎁 She was pretty much tattling on Mary out of irritation.  Sound like some holidays you've had?  It seems like sometimes the work is unbalanced; as a mom, wife, sister, or daughter the burden lays on you to get it all done, and while you may love doing it, it can result in frazzled feelings and exhaustion.  

I do love that Martha went straight to Jesus with her concern.  And he listened, and responded as only Jesus can, 

                        "But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!  There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."

🎁 I am definitely a Martha - a taskmaster who gets fulfillment from seeing things get done.  These verses are not easy to read and used to convict me when I was a busy mom with young children.  As you can relate, there were not enough hours in the day, especially if you had to squish a full time job in.  
photo source: Google

🎁 However, I don't think Jesus was rebuking Martha for being productive and providing hospitality by preparing a meal; hospitality was such an integral part of that society and deemed offensive if you didn't offer it up to any guest.  I think Jesus was reminding Martha that the details of the work can't get in the way of us spending time with Jesus.  Distraction is a tool of the enemy. Our work is in vain if it is apart from the Lord.   

🎁 So how do we apply this to our crazy busy lives today and in this season?  To me, I think it reinforces that whatever we do, do it unto the Lord.  So we can do the work, the dishes, the meal prep, the gift wrapping; just make it all an act of worship.  No one can control what our head is thinking of as we do these tasks; so use that time to pray for the recipient of your actions.  

As I talked about in an earlier blog, it's easy to, for example, prepare extra of something you are already making, and to pray for that person while we are doing it is an amazing way to be a friend.  It's easy to call or check in on a friend while you are baking.  

      🎁 If finding quiet time to spend with God in your day is challenging, how about listening to a sermon online or a podcast while you are doing your tasks? I find that my mind stays a little more focused on the 'why' when I am being fed His Word while I'm doing my stuff.  Or listen to Christian Christmas carols.  Or turn the background noise off and be in the quiet.  Whatever your soul needs.

Jesus constantly was present with the people he interacted with.  The woman at the well in John 4:5-29 (let's talk about that one soon), the centurion whose servant needed healing in Matt: 8:5-13, the woman who was healed of bleeding in Matt 9:18-22- He was focused on their needs and lives and instead of viewing it as an interruption on His time, he responded to them and used it to direct others to God.  Oh how I want to be like that so I can bear fruit for Jesus.  

🎁 I am learning to let go of the agenda I have etched in stone and be more flexible - trust me when I say this goes against most of what I am.  But I am trying to purposefully make time for people - whatever that may look like (coffee, text, card, dinner) - to ensure that the relationships I have are nourished and that people feel valued by me.  

🎁 God is helping me undo 21 years of measuring worth by the completion of math homework.        Oh Lord do I need help!! It's a good thing He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger  and His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness.  The gift He has given us is that He is always present.

An excellent book on this whole topic:
 Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver


✙ Lord, You are ever-present and never leave us.  Our hearts are full of gratitude for that.  Help us deny the holds on our minds and time that steal us away from  You.  Give us wisdom and self-discipline. Teach us to make others more important than our list of things to get done.  Help us be a light to others this Christmas season.  Increase our capacity to love. Amen. 




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