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A Word Please...


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"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." ~ C.S. Lewis

If you work in any setting - corporate America, teaching, self-employment, managing a household- you have experienced the task of setting goals, refining mission statements, defining your purpose and narrowing your focus.  It's a best practice in any of these settings, and typically done at the start of the new fiscal, calendar year or school year.

As a teacher, one of the most valuable and telling tasks we are taught to do is to reflect on lessons after we've implemented them: 

        What went well? 

        What should I adjust? 

        Were all students engaged & included? 

        How was the time spent on each task?

        Did I accomplish the objective? Did they learn what they were supposed to learn?

        If they didn't learn it, how can I reteach it?

Regardless of when it's done, it's a worthy task to reflect, assess and define who you are & what you ultimately want to be about.  I feel like to keep up with trends this should be titled:

3 Hacks To Define Who You Are 

The irony of that title is of course I am not going to listen to just anyone about what my life is going to be about.  In one of my earlier blogs, I talked about not taking personal counsel from someone who doesn't walk with God.  But there are some tools available to help guide you in this soul searching task.

1 - Our first place is God - I believe fully and with great confidence that God does not want us wallowing in a misguided lack of direction.  That is not His character - He is a God with purpose and desires for us to have a path. He is a God of order. 

1 Corinthians 14:33  "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace."

Psalm 37:23  "The steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in His way."

Romans 8:28  "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."

Proverbs 16:9  "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his step."

2 -  God has equipped us to accomplish His purpose.  If you aren't sure what your spiritual gifts are, here is one of many tests you can take:  Spiritual Gifts Inventory Test.  

God's Word commands us to use our gifts-

Romans 12: 6-8  "In His grace God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.  So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you."

1 Timothy 4:14  "Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received..."

❄  Ask God and other wise Christian people in your life if they would agree with your results.  

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3 -   Finish the task of defining your  Word of the Year .  I recently did mine and it was "connections", which immediately makes sense since I desire to connect with other Christian women & connect them to God, I want to connect with God's purpose for me in this season of my life, and as I have just accepted a short term teaching job at a rough school, I am praying for connection to these kids.  Wow.  Instantly my life has focus and intention.  

❄Women with purpose, I look forward to hearing your word of the year.  Drop it in the comments.  And Happy New Year!!

✙ Our Father who is in Heaven, we call upon You as children to their Father - help us this day to know our purpose.  In Your Word You have given to us, You promise to light & direct our path, to complete Your good work in us, and to give us the strength to do it with Your Holy Spirit.  You are such a Good, Good Father.  Help us to submit to Your direction & not let ourselves get in the way with our own ambitions.  Thank You for the fresh start of a new year! Amen.


  1. Celebrate! I choose the word celebrate so I can remind myself daily of everything God has given me.


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