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Give Us This Day

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." ~ Abraham Lincoln

🕰  I'm obsessed with clocks - mostly French or English style - probably because they transport me to some enchanted scene from a book in another time or place.  Many cities have them as focal points on their streets, city centers etc.  I search for them at every estate sale, thrift store or garage sale I go to for my antique booths.  My husband thinks I'm weird.  

🕰   I guess I'm obsessed with time.  I once read a book called "The One-Minute Manager" when I had young kids because aren't we always looking for more hours in our day to get it all done?  It really taught me to take advantage of even the smallest increments of time for little tasks because all the little tasks add up.  At the end of the day it makes a big difference.  I've used that practice my whole adult life.  However, "disclaimer"- remember, in an earlier blog I told you I'm a personality type that thrives on getting stuff done.  This post is not designed to change your personality type, but to make us more aware of how we spend our time.

Years ago I went through a task where I laid out how I spend a typical day.  You should try it- from the 24 hours we're all given deduct:
        • average sleep time
        • meal time (prep/clean-up)
        • commute
        • job
        • other regular duties i.e. quiet time, workouts (haha), errands
It's kind of revealing to see how much time you really have left over to do things.  Then think about what you do to fill that time.  If you're not honest, it won't be very helpful.  I'd like to think I have a quiet time or workout time for an hour when it's really 20 minutes.

🕰  One study says the average person watches 141 hours of TV per month. That's about 4+ hours a day.  Another study says adults check their phone 58 times/day, and spend over 3 hours on their phones each day.  I'm here to tell you I'm as guilty as the next person, especially since our antique/repurposed goods business has me buying from FBMP all the time.  But also, there's Pinterest... 

🕰  Our church is encouraging people to fast this month and replace that time with time spent with God.  Fasting isn't always from food; it can be from things like TV or phone time.  I have decided  take up that challenge.  Want to do it with me?
 God says we are accountable for our time.

        "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

        " Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."   Ephesians 5:15-16

        " Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of the time." Colossians 4:5

        " Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."  Matthew 24:44
In a graduation ceremony, Denzel Washington tells grads,

I try to give myself a goal every day, sometimes it's just not to curse somebody out. [Simple goals but have goals. And understand to achieve these goals you must apply discipline and consistency . . . every day. You have to work at it every day, you have to plan every day. People say, ‘You don’t plan to fail, you fail to plan.’ Hard work works. Working really hard is what successful people do. And in this text, tweet, twerk world that you've grown up in, remember that just because you're doing a lot more, doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done. Don’t confuse movement with progress . . . So continue to strive, continue to have goals, continue to progress.]"

I know we all desire to be purposeful women doing the best with what we have.  It does require intention and planning.  Ask God where to start and ask Him to show you your steps, as He has promised to do in His word.

✙ Dear Lord, You invented time, You control it, and You shape it for us if we let You.  You design it to work all things together for our good because we love You.  Please help us to number our days so that we may be walking with You throughout each one, allowing You to guide us. Put thoughts on how to serve others in our heads, and increase our ability to do it.  Fill us to capacity with Your Holy Spirit to enable us to carry these acts out.  Thank You for the gift of time so that we can give it back to You. Amen. 



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