photo source "If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself." ~Charles M. Schulz Laughter. It is contagious. Look at what happens on a New York subway when one person starts to laugh. How about this bus stop -tell me you couldn't watch this without laughing. Of all the emotions we are able to express, joyous laughter seems to be the most powerful. It can diffuse a potentially volatile situation, turn away a sad heart, lighten the stress, and take the mind off a pain. It's not just wishful thinking; there's science behind it. Studies show that laughter benefits your psychological health , reminding you, for example, after we've done something goofy, that all eyes are not always on you- creating a lightheartedness to some of the scenarios of life. When we are able to laugh at ourselves it keeps us in a teachable ...
encouraging small acts of love to make a difference in this world