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Showing posts from April, 2023

Spring Cleaning Your Brain

Google photo "Start where you are.  Use what you have. Do what you can. ~ Arthur Ashe, pro tennis player   It's funny what creatures of habit we are.  How many of you take the same route somewhere just because it's the quickest?  Or order the same thing from Taco Bell since you were in  high school- that would be ridiculous, right?  Ahem.  I mean, there is an argument to be said that if it's good why change it. Anybody in need of a hairstyle or makeup change because you are tired of yours but it doesn't take that much time to get ready, so you just keep doing the same?    We are indeed those creatures.  Sometimes it's good, because it's a productive habit, sometimes it's just convenient.  In my last blog I talked about those ruts we tend to get in-regardless of our role in life.  Some habits are great because we have honed our skill, and we don't have to think about it & we can devote our brain to other things....

Down Came the Rain & Washed the Spider Out

  "Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime."  ~Martin Luther 🌷 Spring comes just in time, doesn't it?  Even the promise of spring gives us hope.   We can endure one more snow because we anticipate the green it will leave after it melts - though in Denver we know that can be up to June.  But then, as Coloradans, we just ski longer (not me, of course-I hear about others).  And then I've heard some do spring cleaning... Tax preparers are holding on for dear life til mid April, then vacation.  Students think school is over after spring break & therefore no homework should be done.  Ask any teacher and the promise of spring break/April/May has an entirely different meaning.  It's survival of the fittest, only the strong survive, buckle down, hang on, never say die, 2 lattes a day with no regrets.   🌷 As Christians, the hope we just celebrated at Easter is a recent r...

It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming!

photo source   "What is good about Good Friday? Why isn't it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good.  And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal." ~ Randy Alcorn, author & former pastor ✝   Good Friday represents all that is bad in this world- back then in Jesus' time, and today:  injustice, pride, deception, lying, torture, cowardliness, anger, divisiveness, mob rule, lack of reason, hatred, jealousy, mockery, abuse, lack of faith, corruption, & idolatry.   Because we live in a broken world of sin, human nature transcends time.  As I write this there are mobs of violent protesters in Nashville, protesting gun violence.  People don't like the violence of guns, but have no problem with the violence of abortion.  Lord, help us.  Protests are not always bad.  On Monday during Holy Week, after Jesus had entered Jerusalem on a colt w...