Michelangelo-Creation of Adam "Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself." ~ C.S. Lewis ☝ What are you made of? Sugar, spice, everything nice? Or snips and snails and puppy dog tails? Spit and vinegar? How were we made? What do we do with how we're made? Do we say "That's just how I am" (referring to both our strengths and weaknesses)? Do we think we are what we eat? (If so I am "en fuego" because of flaming hot Cheetos.) ☝ When I think of how I'm made, I think sometimes I am like cookie dough - a little structure (flour), seasoned (salt), joyful (chocolate chips), sweet (sugar)- all looks good on the outside when put together; but I know what else is inside that isn't visible: a mixture of selfishness, anger, arrogance, insecurity, doubting, a lack of confidence. Perceptions lead to beliefs. Or do beliefs lead to perceptions? And are they accurate? The ChocolaTess So just what are we made of...
encouraging small acts of love to make a difference in this world