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What Are You Made Of?

Michelangelo-Creation of Adam

"Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself." ~ C.S. Lewis 

What are you made of?  Sugar, spice, everything nice? Or snips and snails and puppy dog tails?  Spit and vinegar? 

How were we made?  What do we do with how we're made?   Do we say "That's just how I am" (referring to both our strengths and weaknesses)?  Do we think we are what we eat?  (If so I am "en fuego" because of flaming hot Cheetos.)  

☝ When I think of how I'm made, I think sometimes I am like cookie dough - a little structure (flour), seasoned (salt), joyful (chocolate chips), sweet (sugar)- all looks good on the outside when put together; but I know what else is inside that isn't visible:  a mixture of selfishness, anger, arrogance, insecurity, doubting, a lack of confidence.  Perceptions lead to beliefs.  Or do beliefs lead to perceptions? And are they accurate?

So just what are we made of?  Let's look at what the Bible says.  You can believe it, because it comes from Scripture that "is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." 2 Tim 3:16-17
         ☝   We are made in the image of God.  Gen 1:26
        ☝    We are the clay; He is the potter.  Isaiah 64:8

        ☝    We are His handiwork created to do good works.  Eph 2:10

        ☝    We have value.  Matt 10:31

        ☝    We have God's Spirit in us.  Rom 8:11

       ☝     We possess gifts given to us by God.  1 Cor 12:11

       ☝     We are a temple of the living God.  1 Cor 3:16, 2 Cor 6:16

        ☝    We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

        ☝    The Lord looks at what our heart is made of.   1 Sam 16:7

I have told you I was a math teacher forEVER.  My colleague taught 8th grade science, and whenever she started excitedly talking about sciency things, I would always pretend to start snoring (science is not my thing).  She would get so excited about DNA and protons and croutons and blah blah blah.  

I stand corrected for my ignorance- I viewed a video by pastor & science enthusiast Louie Giglio talking about how we all have the laminin protein in our DNA that is designed to hold everything together, and it is in the shape of a cross!!  What an incredible scientist/Creator our God is -on both the macro and micro levels!  (Turns out science isn't just about dissecting worms.)

When we are made with all of these unbelievably concise, immeasurably beautiful elements from God, why in the world do we also let self-doubt, insecurity and other sin taint who we are?

☝  The first chapter of Ephesians tells us that we were made in God's image but that because of sin we were separated from Him, deserving His wrath.  God sent His only Son, Jesus to die for us and come back to life, saving us from eternal death, enabling us to be reconciled back to God.  He gives us His Holy Spirit when we accept Jesus as our Savior.

So we have been chosen (Eph 1:4, 1 Pet 2:9, John 15:16), adopted (2 Cor 6:18, Eph 1:5, Rom 8:15) and redeemed (Isa 44:22, Acts 3:19, Ps 107:2).  

He takes delight in us & rejoices over us (Zeph 3:17), has engraved us on the palm of His hands (Isa 49:16), loves us with an everlasting love (Jer 31:3), lavishes love on us (1 John 3:1), and collects all our tears in a bottle (Ps 56:8).  

If someone in our lives showed us all of those things, we would be enamored and overwhelmed, devoted and faithful.  We would feel confident in our relationship, we wouldn't be angry, we wouldn't doubt, we wouldn't be selfish.  We would enjoy and rely on talking to them about decisions and life goals, seeking their advice, celebrating with gratitude.  

☝Why are we not doing that with God all the time? Then what we are made of aligns with what He designed us for.  Our outside would reflect our inside.  What's placed in our heart by God would be unveiled.  

Who needs to know what they're made of?  Go tell them and bring chocolate chip cookies🍪.   

✙ Dear Father, we can't believe Your love for us - it's never-ending, non-negotiable and beyond our ability to comprehend.  You know us better than we know ourselves and You love us more than we could ever deserve.  You search our souls and hearts and desire to draw us close to You anyway.  Help us to confront any sin in our lives that pulls us away from You and Your ways.  Order our steps, Lord, so we can share with others this Love You have for them. Amen.


  1. Wow you preach it girl❤️🙏❤️

  2. Amazing, the scientific cross! Great blog, thanks for your insights and your Bible verses to illustrate.

    1. The video is unbelievable-watch it if you can!

  3. Loved the laminin note! Why have you been teaching math all these years with this writing ability inside you?! (I know, I know, you are an awesome math teacher as well!). Today I was thinking about the conundrum of being human and at the same time being a child of God. Always interesting to see which side wins out on a daily basis!

    1. Thanks Garza. An English expert shredded my sentence construction :) shows us His grace daily, right?

  4. Thank you for creating your blog. I caught up on your last few posts today, and each one was a blessing! More special knowing you and the authentic truth and love radiating from you to & through your writing.


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