"Like the wind, the Holy Spirit comes in suddenly and from seemingly nowhere-He whirls about the atmosphere and changes everything." ~David Hernandez Ministries
Gone With the Wind. Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. The Wizard of Oz. Dust in the Wind. Ride Like the Wind. Against the Wind. Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
OK, I'll stop. But if you live in or around Denver this past weekend it was not "Wind in the Willows" (I had to get one more in). 70-100 mph winds? I thought we were known for our snowstorms- not the Hurricane Alley of the West. Trees were toppled into power lines all over our city, and our power just came on after 3 days!
Not all wind causes damage. Think of the sweet cool breeze on a scalding summer day that just provides such relief...or the dog that hangs its' head out the car window for the sheer thrill. If you've been fortunate enough to sit on a beach and feel the breeze from the ocean waves...there's nothing as pleasant. Or after days of rain, the wind helps dry all the puddles up.
Wind is calming or frightening, helpful or restorative. I love that our dynamic, inventive Creator uses wind to deliver an incredibly beneficial facet of Himself to mankind.
Acts 1 tells how Jesus had appeared to many after His resurrection, and had instructed the disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift the Father promised to send--the Holy Spirit. This would empower them to be His witnesses. Then He ascended back to heaven and for the second time, it seemed like the disciples had said goodbye to their beloved Savior.
Imagine, for a bit, what the disciples had been through. We can read God's Word and know what's going to happen, but they have followed Jesus when He told them how God sent Him to save mankind from our sins. Then they witnessed His violent and corrupt death on a cross, after which they all scattered. They lived in fear of the Romans punishing them for being His follower. Then His shocking resurrection, and Jesus again being with them for a short time. Now He is gone again.
But this time, it's different. The truth of Jesus and His words have a different hold on them. Then one day, as they are gathered together, Acts 2:1-7 describes a wind-
"On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.
"At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers.
"They were completely amazed. 'How can this be?' they exclaimed."
From then through now and forever God has given us His power to live this life. When we are troubled, confused, afraid, lack wisdom - He has given us the same Holy Spirit these believers in the early church had. It can work amazingly great works in our lives and the lives of others.
This is the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead! These courageous and faithful apostles went on to brave the tyranny of the Romans, each at the expense of persecution, death or exile. They preached who Jesus was and what He did for them, enabling the start of the church. It changed each of their lives.
Imagine what it is like for friends, acquaintances, and coworkers to navigate this world and its' brokenness but not knowing God and the power He has given us through His Spirit when we become believers.
As we go about our day, we should try and keep that in mind, asking the Spirit to direct our words & steps. This world can be scary because Satan rules it, but we know who has conquered death and Satan's power over us. Does that change how we think and respond? Does it change how we talk and interact? Does it change our perception & drive our conversations? Do we encounter certain people by chance throughout our day or is it for God's purposes?
People need the wind of the Holy Spirit.
✙ Oh Heavenly Father, we can't thank You enough for knowing what we need and when we'll need it. You have thought of everything ahead of us-sending Your Spirit to be with us moment by moment, day by day. Can You help us be bold enough to use that Spirit to help others see Your light and the salvation You offer? In gratitude we offer up our day to You; guide us to those who need to know You. Amen.
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