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You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important

            ~ Aibileen, from the movie "The Help"

Kindness. Aibileen was demonstrating with her life the words she was speaking to the young girl who was not fully able to comprehend the irony of her world and the brevity of those words by the brave woman who spoke them. She hoped she would remember those words later.

Aibileen was living out the words of the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians , "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourself." Though she was treated as "less than", she knew in her heart what the Lord calls us to do.

It is so opposite of what the daily world tells us in so many ways.
                    "You deserve it."
                    "They had it coming."
                 "I have to go; I've got a schedule to keep."
                 "I'll show them-they can't treat me like that."
                 "I work hard for my stuff. It's mine."
                    "Don't pull your car in front of me."

Our children and others watch us respond as we walk through our day and process it later. Imagine if instead of the above statements they heard us say things like,

                    "Please go ahead of me in line."
                    "I'm sorry they felt the need to speak to me like that."
                   "They must be having a really hard day."
                 "The Lord has blessed us so we can share our things."
"I can make time for this-it's important to them."
                    "We are in charge of a lot; let's help people."

I've never witnessed a more urgent need to model for our children these responses as our lack of respect for each other and property is diminishing, our polarized climate is filled with hate language on social media platforms with no accountability; kids have no self respect and purpose.

Intelligence. Einstein said the measure of intelligence is the ability to change. One can be intelligent but not wise. Aibileen knew that the world of dark prejudices this little girl was growing up in would need her fresh vision and commitment to change it, to shed the sin of slavery.

God has given us so much direction on how to become wise. Fortunately only one part is our responsibility-the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. The rest is given by God when we ask Him-

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth comes knowledge and understanding." Prov 2:6

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. " James 1:5

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

Importance. I love that our Lord doesn't rank us the way the world ranks us for success and significance. To name a few, He chooses:

     the lowly (the shepherds),
        the scorned (the woman at the well),
        the poor (the widow who gave her two mites),
        the trusting (Mary, a teenage mom),
        the possessed (man in shackles),
        the tainted (Rahab the prostitute)
        the humble (David),
        the physically hurting (the bleeding woman ),
        the faithful (Daniel and his friends),
       the cast away (Joseph- sold by his brothers),
       the bold (Queen Esther),
        the repeating sinner (Peter),
        the skeptical (Thomas),
        the accuser of Christians (Paul),
        the liar (Abraham),
        the murderer (Moses),
        the repentant guilty (thief at the cross).

Aibileen was speaking words of life into this little one; telling her she was valued and could make a difference. She knew that though this girl was born into a certain life, she would come up against prejudices for being a female. And though she could not control that scenario she was born into, she could use her position to bring about change that could benefit all. She was speaking courage into this little girl's heart. Courage to ask God to use her, not for the "importance" the world placed on her as a label they conjured up, but because Christ thought she was important enough to die for and to mold and equip her for the place in history she would be born into.

This gives me courage. As I look at our fallen world, I could become anxious for what it means for the future of my kids and grandkids. But the same God who sat on the throne over humanity then is the One who is not surprised by anything now, and as He reigns from His throne in heaven, He is walking alongside my children and grandchildren (and yours), equipping them where they are at, promising to never leave their side, and willing to grant them wisdom to be kind in their purpose here and now.

                                 That is good news.
✙ Lord You were here before time as we know it, You were with the heroes of the Bible as You equipped them for their task, and You are alongside us now. You are not a distant God that lets things fall where they happen to-You are a loving, slow to anger Father, willing to help us grow up in You, in our here & now. For such a time as this You have created us. We ask You to make us kind & wise, and we thank You for deeming us significant. Amen.


  1. Once again, your insights, words and heart are a wonderful way to start my day! Thanks Terri!

  2. Thanks Terri for your thoughts and for reminding us that God does equip us in everything that we are faced with in this world!


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