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How Do We Find Good News in Such Bad Times?


~"Second Coming of Christ"- Gustave Dore

"God tells us what will happen before it happens so that when it happens we'll be ready and we'll believe." 
~Max Lucado, FB podcast Aug 10, 2020

📰 I am glued to the news of world events happening right now- aren't you?  I want to know how it all fits in to end times prophecy, and I want to know my role in it.  Lord, what am I supposed to be doing, and what is going to happen?

I am not a Bible prophecy scholar so I rely on those who are.  There's so many trusted Bible-believing, God-fearing, Christ-following pastors who are talking about prophecy and the events unfolding- David Jeremiah, Max Lucado, Greg Laurie, among some of them.  I am listening to podcasts, reading Scripture and am finding the alignment of their messages, which I am happy to say are there in their entirety.  

📰Over 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy, according to David Jeremiah.  The references mentioned below seem to give insight to all of these pastors.  I think we should read these books slowly, with notes either from a bible or online references, to help us understand the contents.  

Ezekiel 37 & 38 talks of Israel scattering and regathering, and the nations believed to be involved.  Israel has been scattered and regathered in 1948.  

Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, containing both prophecies that have already been fulfilled and some yet to come. 

Zechariah foretold of Israel being the center of attacks in end times (Zech 12:3-4)

Jesus told us what was going to happen in Matt 24:5-8:

            Wars and rumors of wars..." 

            "Nations will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be  famines and earthquakes in various places." 

📰 So take a look at some of these headlines as of late:


            Check this interactive map out - it's crazy 🠋🠋🠋🠋

📰  NEWSFLASH!!  Our hope is not in this world, nor the leaders of it.  Our hope is in an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God-creator of heaven and earth- who "has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Tim 1:7)

We can't determine our mood based on what the news of the day is.  We need to discipline ourselves to seek God and know what He has disclosed to us in His Word.  That way we know what is coming, how it ends, and that nothing is a surprise to God.  Thus, a sound mind.

"Ah, sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You." Jer 32:17

God uses these circumstances, though intended for evil, He meant it for good (Gen 50:20).  Look at what is good going on in the world, only from God:

📰 Iranians are becoming Christians-


📰 God loves these people just as much as He loves us, 
and wishes for none of them to perish.  Jesus died for them too.  So what is our role?  

        To love God, love our neighbor (Matt 22:37-39,) to love justice, and mercy, and to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).

        To "pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you!  Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!" (Psalm 122: 6-7)

What can we control?  Ourselves.  Love on someone.  Help someone.  Listen to someone.  Pray for someone.  Show compassion to someone. 

✙ Our Father who reigns in heaven, seeing every part of the earth You created, we call on You to help us now Lord.  We ask on behalf of our brothers and sisters across the world that You would protect them, pull them closer to You as You reveal Yourself to them as only You can.  We trust in You and anticipate Your return.  Make us heaven minded, but earthly mindful - we know You're returning, and want none to perish.  Amen.

Suggested books to read:


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