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Showing posts from June, 2024

Here's to the Warrioress!

  Google image "A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love, and encourages you with hope."  ~unknown πŸ™ Ever wake up & think, "I wonder what today holds?"  I feel like this past week it was the circle of life. First, a beautiful wedding of my lifelong friend's daughter.  So fun to hang out with all my friends from childhood (yes- that's how long we've stayed friends!).   πŸ™Then, a few days later, a funeral of a neighbor friend.  A warm, intimate celebration of life where beautiful butterflies were released at the end, symbolizing her soul's journey to heaven. Then, without warning, my granddaughter, miss Lainey James, who was NOT supposed to be born til Aug 8 decided to come 6 weeks early.  My incredibly courageous daughter-in-law drove herself to the hospital, basically saving her and her baby's life.   You think you have plans for the day, the next few weeks, months-but then things get turned upside down, and no

Don't Take My Word for It...

google image "There are two ways to read Scripture-the way a lawyer reads a will and the way an heir reads a will."    ~ Alexander Whyte, Scottish Theologian Here's some weird claims for you: ❗An English livestock owner filed an insurance claim because he lost his phone inside his cow using it for a flashlight while birthing a calf on a dark night. (It was recovered but didn't work.)  ❗The best time to eat an apple is in the morning.  The worst time to eat an apple is at night. ❗ Our muscles are  made of plants. ❗  A lady brought a $5 million lawsuit against Kraft Mac 'n Cheese claiming it took longer to prepare than the box suggested as it didn't include time to open the package, add water & stir in the cheese.  Yes it was dismissed.  There's some ridiculous claims out there, and social media has given easy avenues to make them.  Be careful. google image ❗There are certain claims, however, we can live our lives by, put our trust in, invest our fu

Just Do it

  Google image "Do or do not.  There is no try." ~ Yoda ✏ Ever mean to do something and then it's too late? Ahhh, the regrets.  Yea, me too.  In fact, this week.   Usually that something is not imperative-like a text or card sent, a task done or a 'to do' list.  Sometimes, for some, it is bigger - "I meant to pursue that degree" or "I always wanted to go to that place".   My neighbor passed away unexpectedly this week, and it got me thinking about all the intentions we hold and don't act on.  Please don't think this week will be about guilt; we all have enough on our plate that we don't need extra helpings of guilt. ✏  I hope to inspire myself, and possibly you, to make a short-term goal this week of  one  thing we intend to do that is achievable, lift it up to God, and then do it.  Just one thing.   Here's some suggestions that come to mind (for myself)- maybe yours are loftier, more meaningful to you, or more daring: ✏  ✏  My

I Have Sight But Do I See?

  "He Comes to Serve"- Timothy P. Schmalz , sculptor "Service is what prayer looks like when it gets up off its knees and walks around in the world." ~Michael J. Graham S.J. πŸ‘€ Some days we're not sure if what we do matters.  Do people really notice if we smile at them, wave them into our lane, comment that they look nice, or text them that we were thinking about them?        Are they better off for having spent time with us?  Do they leave feeling encouraged, uplifted, more confident, or wondering why we are the way we are?   πŸ‘€  Do they notice what we're not doing?  The world is negative, afraid, agitated by small things, full of anxiety with the world events, gossiping, belittling, or proud, and (hopefully) we're not? After Jesus died, rose again and ascended into heaven, the disciples, including Peter and John, became the early church.  They spread the news about Jesus, influencing many to believe, but facing immense criticism and were arrested by sy