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Linus and Luke's Peace


"Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas 
is all about?"~ Charlie Brown, A Charlie Brown Christmas

 Can you picture it right now? Lucy, Schroeder, Violet, Patty, Frieda and yes, even Snoopy mock Charlie Brown's efforts when he brings the droopy Christmas tree to their party.  It spirals Charlie Brown into wondering what Christmas is all about- he knows it's not the commercialism that is all around him- so what is it all about?

 Hallmark says it's about romance, with a LOT of Christmas traditions.  Pinterest says it's about throwing the perfect holiday gathering.  The schools say it's a winter break.  Any retail store says it's about sales, some making most of the annual sales in this one season.  

 While I absolutely love the Christmas traditions and I am a foodie, and I thoroughly anticipated winter break when I taught, I look to good ol' Linus to sum it up.  He thoughtfully and quickly responded with no hesitation, Luke 2:8-14.  We know it as "the Christmas Story".

"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.  And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid.  And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.'  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'

The Adoration of the Kings - Jan Gossaert, National Gallery London

 It's not about the ornaments, lights, 'Christmas spirit', magic of Christmas, romance, commercialism.  It's just about Jesus' humble birth.

 Linus didn't let the culture or the attitudes of others affect his security or his attitude.  He knew that his peace came in the form of this little babe who was born for us, and we celebrate Christmas remembering that. 

It's fun that we use traditions and celebrations to show our love to others.  When Jesus gave us the true gift of His perfect, flawless, sinless, holy Self coming to reconcile our broken world to God for eternity to those who believe in Him, then we give gifts to each other in remembrance.  

  What traditions do you have?  Is there a special way you refocus your attention on Jesus with your family or friends?  I mean, I love watching Elf and Muppet Christmas Carol, and decorating my house like the yuletide season threw up, but do I make an effort to focus on Jesus' birth? 

  • Read the Bible story from Luke and talk about the prophecies concerning Christ's coming.  Talk about why we need a Savior & how miraculous it is that centuries ago the prophets predicted His birth and when/how it came true.
  • Talk about the messages culture shows at Christmas & how they align or don't align with Christ's birth.  Is it really about the romance?  Is it about the magic of Christmas?  Align it with Scripture- watch movies like Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It's A Wonderful Life, and The Greatest Story Ever Told.  Talk about the forgiveness and redemption themes (explaining away Clarence). 
  • Listen to Christmas music that exalts Christ.  Baby, It's Cold Outside is a great nostalgic song, but let's not kid ourselves- what is Dean really singing about? 
  • Is our gift-giving under the power of the Holy Spirit in regards to self-control?  Is a big deal placed on Santa or an elf on a shelf?
  • Does our Christmas season involve serving others?
  • Do we actively look for someone who might be lonely or alone to invite to one of our gatherings?

Charlie Brown Christmas Google image
 Linus and Luke knew without a moment's hesitation what the true meaning of Christmas is.  And others caught on.

Dear Lord, thank You for the most incredible gift we could ever receive - Your unbelievably unselfish act of giving us eternity with You in spite of our sin because Jesus died for it.  This Christmas season will You help us encounter those who need You and Your Love?  Make us Your hands and feet to love them.  Amen.


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