photo source "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher (& also Kelly Clarkson) 👀Why is this happening to me? Ever asked yourself that? Are you asking yourself that right now? I do. Every. Single. Day. Let me explain. 👀 As you may already know, I retired last year from a lucrative (haha) teaching career with 8th graders in math. I know. Vowing to NEVER GO BACK and literally kissing the ground I walked on that wasn't my 8th grade classroom every day, I thanked my Lord that I was free. I was singing Alice Cooper's "School's Out" every day. But oh dear ones, never say never. A friend texted me and asked if I wanted to teach 8th grade math for a semester to kids that had no teacher but were learning online. I strongly and confidently said "Nope" and shortly thereafter felt an urging (I would say that's how God directs me) and reconsidered. Som...
encouraging small acts of love to make a difference in this world